DJD 系列卧式多级泵 /DJD Series of Horizontal Multi-Stage Pump
DJD 系列泵是根据API 610 规范设计的卧式、多级、径向剖分、后拉式筒形泵为标准的API BB5结构。适用于清洁、冷的或热的、中性或腐蚀性液体, 主要用于炼油厂、化工厂、气体制炼厂、制冷工程、煤加工工程、海洋工程等。
Barrel casing pumps of series DJD (The API610 BB5 design pumps) are manufactured in multi-stage, horizontal radially split, pull-out designed, and correspond to API 610 instructions. Pumping clean, cold or hot, chemically neutral or aggressive liquids. The mainly application ranges is refineries petrochemical industry and coal processing, steam power stations, offshore engineering, frigorific industry.
流量 Capacity ~850 m3/h
扬程 Head ~2450 m
温度 Temperature -30 ~+425℃
压力 Pressure ~275 bar